Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Poems Dedicated To The Rose

Scandinavian Rose

A poem inspired by my friendship with a lovely young lady from Norway by the name of Celina. It being her ways of the modern day teenager which gave me the idea for these particular phrases.

Scandinavian rose
maiden flower of Norse
pale as soft milk
adorned by ruby's silk
adored lustful adolescence
desire's youthful essence

Scandinavian rose
damsel's lips of sensuousness
young lady's tender caresses
lust's sweet bouquet
do the scenes coquet

Scandinavian rose
delicate taste of beauty
as palate of delight
feeds from Nordic deity
in charm of delight
sweet moisture of desire
be mine as passion of fire

Expressions Of Sonadora

A poem inspired by young lady of expressions in her face as to tell a story with every glimpse or whim of her eyes or mouth.

Dawn rises as morrow begins
slumber of night
still be upon my dreams
as Sonadora with angelic visage
of devious playfulness climbs upon

Mane with light of sun enflamed
crimson flows about my Sonadora
as waves in glory of deity
it be my sonadora to glow
as warm as twinkle
in sparkle ever bright

Lips glossy in lexis
assert sensuality
as with kiss of allure
acquaints upon my tenderness
Sonadora with delicacy of caress
delivers sweetness of adolescence
root of mine to awaken as with boldness
my Sonadora's tongue savors

My Sonadora be as visage of splendor
capturing wonder of coquet joy
my Sonadora as child with toy
desire in eye a azure
delivers upon my root
warmth of youthful sexuality

Oh, my Sonadora as Freia
with devotion she gazes
as my fingers dare
upon delicate tresses
of her crown
whilst lust cometh upon
growth of my longing

Beauty my Sonadora
be as painting of master
in act of sheer bliss
to be enhanced as
mirage in Sonadora's eyes

Devilish she care with glee
casting stare upon me
as in slide of body or fate's glide
she transform with lustful malice
descending upon my taste
with desire's red rose

Lips of flower's intimacy
does my Sonadora caress mine
teasing as if pleasing
while placing embrace
as queen upon throne

My Sonadora tempting with rose
does but permit palate of tongue
to rise as stroke delivered
provoking that I might reach fruit
beyond thus to descend
as feather in wind, fickle in ways
to my painful yearning

Ay Sonadora bring upon me
to despair as with devil of eyes
in jest comic she charm
scent of mine with fragrance
of her rose's perfume

My Sonadora's rose
have way upon mine
paradise does my senses
fervently imbibe from oasis
of my Sonadora drenching
with torrent passions as all
be wine of my Sonadora

Expression of my Sonadora
be as melody of symphony
in harmony of arousing
flashing images emerging
silk skin from my Sonadora
does take ways with mine

My Sonadora as damsel on steed
does she turn to gallop
as with haste my Sonadora
mount that mine might
intrude femininity's passage

Deepest of sensations
be our ride in clouds
as flight of rage commences
gaze of my Sonadora glistens
in pride as with force of Brunhilde
does my Sonadora reign upon servant
with hypnotic fashions of coquet

Storms of fury we face
with courage we pass
in boldness our crises
do we encounter
my Sonadora with fury
reaches conclusion of frenzy
my Sonadora with soprano of sigh
cries our aria in high
as nails of blood does ours end.

My name is Gianni Truvianni, author of many an article to be found on the internet along with the book "New York's Opera Society." My works also include the books "What Should Not Matter," "Love Your Sister" and several others which still remain unpublished though I am presently looking to change this.

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