Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sir Henry Wotton And The Character Of Happy Life

A Brief Biographical Note:

Henry Wotton (1568-1639) was born in Kent and was the son of a country gentle man. He was educated at Winchester School and Oxford, where he went first to New College and then to Queen's College. He was a confidential agent and correspondent of the Earl of Essex, an eminent figure at the court of Queen Elizabeth. On his return to England, he was made one of Essex's secretaries and in 1594 he went to the Middle Temple to study law. Early in 1601, he fled from England on the failure of the revolt of Essex. In 1602, he made a romantic excursion under the false name, from Italy to Scotland where he was brought to the Scottish king, James VI, a report from Tuscany that there was a conspiracy to assassinate him.When James VI of Scotland succeeded to the English throne as James I of England, he showed his gratitude by knighting him immediately. Sir Henry Wotton served James as an ambassador for next twenty years at Venice. He defined an ambassador as 'an honest man sent to lie abroad for the good of his country.' He led an important mission in 1602, to the court of Emperor Ferdinand at Vienna to conduct negotiation on behalf of Jame's daughter, the Queen of Bohemia. Such experience favoured him to compose his loveliest poem "On His Mistress, the Queen of Bohemia". After retiring from foreign service, he was installed as provost of Eton College. King James never forgot his loyalty to himself and his daughter and gave him a generous pension in 1627 which was more than doubled three years later. The last fifteen years of Wotton's life formed a tranquil close to his eventful career, that of a truly distinguished diplomat, scholar and poet.

The Various Aspects of a Happy Life:

The Character of a happy life is deeply a religious poem by spirit. It concerns with the life and virtue of a good man. According to him,it is a happy man who gets birth in this world and it is more brilliant that he is taught here the knowledge based on selfishnessless, honesty, truthfulness and simplicity. All defends him from worldly filths and brightens his spirituality. Such teaching eradicates vanity and his existence feels him happy in his work.

The happy man never makes passions his masters. They will make him subordinate to his wills because they are concerned with mundane fame. Such passions expand his reputation in society and the inhabitants start secret talking about him. The honest man is eminent from all spiritual characters and does not worry of such public fame or secret talking. His existence never makes this world center but his inclination is to spirituality and this world is for time being. So his soul always remembers death and is prepared for it. It means that his virtual being is ready to welcome it because happy man knows it and is united. His passage is different and directs him to lords abode
The virtuous man or man of happy life is true and simple. His inner being or existence that is pure like a newly born baby. He never churns contempt for those whom chance favours. He is spiritually frank because he is not ambitious man. In the abode of simplicity and truthfulness, vice is not allowed. He is under the arch of love, virtue, simplicity and honesty where as vice never comes on such track. In such lovely life, praise is a great deception and is a mean of bringing vanity that makes great wounds in his spirit and physique. Such man has no will to rule over men but to rule over good.

In his poem, the virtuous man is happy not only in the promise of a heavenly reward but also in the enjoyment of a serene life of virtue in this world. His life is quite unusual and free from rumours. Rumour inflicts and annoys man kind. It brings restlessness and makes happy life noisy. His conscience is not weak but strong having an unfalling determination. In such state, cpnpiarcy and flattery never makes efforts to disturb or raises chance to upset him. So flatterers flee a way from his honest state. Not only this but also even oppressors never dare to ruin his glorious state.

There is likeness between this poem and Compion's The Man of Life Up Right. Both are concerned with the life and virtue of a good man. The honest or happy man is always satisfied and bows before God for His grace. He never acts like a selfish person. He is satisfied and thankful to Almighty Allah. When a person is completely devoted to God, the harmful days never appear. He enjoys all days with great spirit and love in the company of a religious book. The honest man accompanies great things based on spiritual directions and truthfulness,how his life can be miseable.

In last stanza, the poet jumps to conclusion that such man is free from slavery. He runs on virtuous and honest tracks never be exploded or derailed. All his hopes and fears are tied with it. He rules over him self but has no hope to rule the land. His happy life is waived with all good things, So it is his property that makes him glorious in this world as well as in the life here after.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Poetry - Writing the Perfect Love Poem For a Special Occasion

I love to write. It is one of my passions and when I am overcome with strong emotions, I feel the urgency to express those feelings in words. Whatever comes to mind, I put down on paper, thoughts, feelings, ideas. Then I begin to create in free verse as I believe a poem encapsulates emotions better than plain narrative text.

When writing, you must write with someone in mind. Are you conveying a message for a particular person? Is he or she someone special? Or are you writing to release your pent-up emotions? To share with your loved one or a stranger your feelings, your state of mind as you put your thoughts into words? If this is the case, they you need to convey your mood and the situation.

To do so you would need to choose your words carefully so that they can convey your feelings clearly. Your reader has to experience what you are feeling. You have to paint through your words the picture you want him to see. An artist chooses colors to paint his picture. A writer uses words to give his picture color.

The words a writer chooses to use would depend on his preferences. Will he use symbols, imagery, similes or metaphors to dress his message? When I write, I like to use personifications and imagery.

A person who creates a poem does have poetic licence which means he does not have to adhere to a fixed structure. For example, if I were writing a story, I would have to abide by correct grammar rules and proper sentence structures. However in a poem, I need not do that. I can reverse the word order, for example, instead of saying "Do not fear me", I can say "Fear me not".

In a poem, the poet can write on very personal subjects, close to his heart or even share his own experiences. Or he can write on general truths and add his personal comments.

Writing a poem requires mental discipline. To write a love poem, your theme has to be about love. Which aspect of love are you going to focus on?

Unrequited love, professing your love, joys of love, lost love, writing about your lady love?

Then you need to decide the form in which you will create your poem. Will it be a ballad, a sonnet or just free verse?

A ballad has a definite form, comprising four rhyming lines in one stanza. A sonnet has fourteen lines, comprising three four-line stanzas and a final couplet. If I'm creating a narrative poem, I usually choose to write in ballad form.

Poems are usually very personal and a poet's skillful use of imagery can create a vision that is unparalleled in a narrative. For example, in Robert Burns' song "A Red, Red Rose" he describes love which he compares to a beautiful red rose and a sweet melody.

" My luve's like a red red rose

That's newly sprung in June

My luve's like the melodie

That's sweetly play'd in tune "

We know that a red rose is a symbol of love and being in love is truly like the strains of a beautiful melody to which our hearts dance.

Shakespeare's love sonnet reads:

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate"

Which young lady will remain untouched by the romantic words above?

A poem requires an economy of words which have to convey different shades of meaning. It should lend itself to interpretations when read by others. One way of doing this is to make allusions to myths that have relevance to your message. For example, a man can compare himself to Orpheus if he wants to assure his lady love of his devotion and faithfulness. Orpheus went to Hades in search of his wife Eurydice who had died, to bring her back.

Writing the perfect love poem for a special occasion will draw upon your cache of vocabulary to create unique descriptions that will appeal to the person you are writing for. Most important of all, your feelings must come from the heart and be sincere.

Your first draft will never be the perfect poem. You will need to read it and re-write it a few times. Write your first draft, read it aloud and see how you like it. Re-write making improvements. Keep it aside for a couple of days and then return to it. Read it again and make further improvements until you are happy with it. I would like to share my poem entitled "The Jade Bangle" with you. It is about love, lost and found and never to be. It was published by Noble House Publishers in 2003 in the collection "Theatre of the Mind" under my maiden name Lim Seong Ngor.

The Jade Bangle

Lost years fade away

As you slide my soapy wrist

Into the jade bangle,

Never to come off.

Its perfect circle,

Symbol of love everlasting,

Binds me to you.

Its green hues the spring song,

Reflections of the heart's melody.

My constant companion for all time,

Its lustre warms me, comforts me,

My wrist forever encircled, embraced,

It is you clasping me close,

Forever entwined, forever green.

My trouble heart quickens, then soars.

© Lim Seong Ngor

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Poems Dedicated To The Rose

Scandinavian Rose

A poem inspired by my friendship with a lovely young lady from Norway by the name of Celina. It being her ways of the modern day teenager which gave me the idea for these particular phrases.

Scandinavian rose
maiden flower of Norse
pale as soft milk
adorned by ruby's silk
adored lustful adolescence
desire's youthful essence

Scandinavian rose
damsel's lips of sensuousness
young lady's tender caresses
lust's sweet bouquet
do the scenes coquet

Scandinavian rose
delicate taste of beauty
as palate of delight
feeds from Nordic deity
in charm of delight
sweet moisture of desire
be mine as passion of fire

Expressions Of Sonadora

A poem inspired by young lady of expressions in her face as to tell a story with every glimpse or whim of her eyes or mouth.

Dawn rises as morrow begins
slumber of night
still be upon my dreams
as Sonadora with angelic visage
of devious playfulness climbs upon

Mane with light of sun enflamed
crimson flows about my Sonadora
as waves in glory of deity
it be my sonadora to glow
as warm as twinkle
in sparkle ever bright

Lips glossy in lexis
assert sensuality
as with kiss of allure
acquaints upon my tenderness
Sonadora with delicacy of caress
delivers sweetness of adolescence
root of mine to awaken as with boldness
my Sonadora's tongue savors

My Sonadora be as visage of splendor
capturing wonder of coquet joy
my Sonadora as child with toy
desire in eye a azure
delivers upon my root
warmth of youthful sexuality

Oh, my Sonadora as Freia
with devotion she gazes
as my fingers dare
upon delicate tresses
of her crown
whilst lust cometh upon
growth of my longing

Beauty my Sonadora
be as painting of master
in act of sheer bliss
to be enhanced as
mirage in Sonadora's eyes

Devilish she care with glee
casting stare upon me
as in slide of body or fate's glide
she transform with lustful malice
descending upon my taste
with desire's red rose

Lips of flower's intimacy
does my Sonadora caress mine
teasing as if pleasing
while placing embrace
as queen upon throne

My Sonadora tempting with rose
does but permit palate of tongue
to rise as stroke delivered
provoking that I might reach fruit
beyond thus to descend
as feather in wind, fickle in ways
to my painful yearning

Ay Sonadora bring upon me
to despair as with devil of eyes
in jest comic she charm
scent of mine with fragrance
of her rose's perfume

My Sonadora's rose
have way upon mine
paradise does my senses
fervently imbibe from oasis
of my Sonadora drenching
with torrent passions as all
be wine of my Sonadora

Expression of my Sonadora
be as melody of symphony
in harmony of arousing
flashing images emerging
silk skin from my Sonadora
does take ways with mine

My Sonadora as damsel on steed
does she turn to gallop
as with haste my Sonadora
mount that mine might
intrude femininity's passage

Deepest of sensations
be our ride in clouds
as flight of rage commences
gaze of my Sonadora glistens
in pride as with force of Brunhilde
does my Sonadora reign upon servant
with hypnotic fashions of coquet

Storms of fury we face
with courage we pass
in boldness our crises
do we encounter
my Sonadora with fury
reaches conclusion of frenzy
my Sonadora with soprano of sigh
cries our aria in high
as nails of blood does ours end.

My name is Gianni Truvianni, author of many an article to be found on the internet along with the book "New York's Opera Society." My works also include the books "What Should Not Matter," "Love Your Sister" and several others which still remain unpublished though I am presently looking to change this.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Common Guitar Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

The significance of learning how to play guitar the proper way is unfathomable. You probably have wished to play guitar but never got the chance to get started. There are many instances that once you embarked yourself on trying this new adventure, next thing that comes along is the feeling of ambiguity. With the large number of people who can play guitar, it is still a fact that only few of them can play well.

If you're thinking that you are the only individual who can't seem to progress in mastering guitar, think again! There are many guitar lessons available online that you can take advantage for free. If you are still mulling over on staying to your perspective of pulling out your talent on guitar playing, you definitely need to know the three common guitar mistakes so you can avoid them.

Beginners commit some frequent mistakes which could lead into undesirable habits. In many instances, beginners are just preoccupied and have chosen to stay away from understanding the fundamentals of guitar playing. Given that, there are 3 awful guitar mistakes you need to avert if you really want to transcend yourself and bring your guitar playing exercise to the next level.

The first thing you need to avoid is the use of inadequate guitar. Learning how to play guitar professionally is a great reward. As a beginner, it is always imperative that you are well-versed on the instrument you are playing. You must choose quality guitar that does not need to be tuned every time you play it. This will give you an edge to exactly handle the instrument and play well. Using inadequate guitar seems to hold you back so getting the right instrument with the right strings and size can help you perform effectively. With just few alterations you can learn from a reliable guitar lesson tutorial, you will be empowered and become enthusiastic.

Secondly, there is actually a correct learning order, a 1st thing, 2nd thing, and even a 3rd thing to learn. The process of learning how to play guitar should be in the right track. Just like skipping rungs on a ladder, jumbling up the learning order causes a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering. It can even lead to bad habits that are nearly unfeasible to break.

The third and biggest guitar mistake a beginner must avoid while playing guitar is a variety of bad habits. Some of the awful guitar mistakes here include poor posture while practicing, tensing the muscles and incorrect hand placement. Beginners are usually stubborn, tolerating the practice of having awkward finger placement. Rhythm and timing are the two things that should always be corrected. You should learn the proper way on how to hold the instrument and pick, play a scale, change chords as well as common chord progressions that can be used to play songs.

Sooner or later, you will become more passionate to practice or even record your own guitar playing. There are guitar lessons online that are already created for beginners. It is highly suggested that new guitarists will start lesson one, spending a minimum of one week learning the exercises and songs in that lesson before moving forward. And, of course, avoid the 3 guitar mistakes mentioned above. In this way, you can absolutely enhance your skill and potential to become a professional guitarist or even a rock star!

To further your knowledge on guitar learning mistakes, visit http://www.starlandguitar.com/7-deadly-guitar-learning-mistakes and get the FREE 7-day course video.

Tomas Michaud is a guitarist, recording artist, entrepreneur, music educator. He is the owner and Music Director of the SF Bay Area's premier music education facility, Starland Music Center in Alameda, CA, and has taught or consulted with thousands of students over the past thirty years. He is the author of six CDs of Contemporary Instrumental World Music, and his latest, Beauty and Fire, has consistently charted in the top ten.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Illustration Is A Passion Not Only A Job!

If you have a talent for drawing and painting then you might want to go into a career as an artist or painter. This is something that does not pay that well at first and it is very hard to actually make it as a private artist. With the internet nowadays many people simply get prints made and you can look at graphic design as more of a lucrative career path. You can also get involved in illustration if you don't want to learn all the computer programs for graphic design.

Illustration is used in various places and you can find lots of jobs all over the world in film, animation, cartoons, magazines and books, education guides and more. All of these print media device use illustrators. It is quite easy to find jobs in this field and you can apply for many online.

Most of the time you will have to just prove that you are a good artist for them to hire you, but some companies do insist that you have a degree. If you are a great artist then you will have probably gone to fine arts school or completed a degree in arts of some kind.

For this you will have to have learnt about all kinds of drawing and illustration mediums including oil paints, pencil, chalk, charcoal, water color and other forms. You will also have learnt various different styles including cartoons, caricatures, landscapes, still life and abstract art.

When you start looking into the different jobs you can get as an illustrator you will find that the list is long. You will also get a good salary working in this field and the price will also be dependent on the industry you work for. The advertising industry is very lucrative but also quite stressful.

You can also get a very high paying position when you join a production company or animations studio. These will pay large sums of money and you can perhaps get some fame from this. You could become one of the illustrators on the next big animated movie.

When you have so many options at your fingertips you will probably need to think about what you need in terms of a job. If you want to be secure and stable then a job in advertising is quite good to go with and Australian Illustrator "Darren Pryce" is one who has chosen this job and now he is a well known illustrator of the Melbourne city. He has illustrated hundreds of designs for the personal to professional websites.

Visit the site and you can learn all about the illustration when you search the internet. You can discover what kinds of jobs are available and you can even apply online for many of them. You can do a search and come across plenty of job openings in your area. Website portfolio is one of the most important things that every artist or illustrator needs to have. This should contain a large number of different pieces that show off your style and versatility.

When you have so many options at your fingertips you will probably need to think about what you need in terms of a job. If you want to be secure and stable then a job in advertising is quite good to go with and Australian Illustrator "Darren Pryce" is one who has chosen this job and now he is a well known illustrator of the Melbourne city. He has illustrated hundreds of designs for the personal to professional websites.


Haircut Sunshine Coast - Should You Blindly Follow Trends?

A haircut is one of your most important fashion accessories because the right hair style can make or break your entire look. You need to get the best haircut Sunshine Coast salons can offer you because this will ensure that you look the best you can. It is very important for you to find the best hair styles that suit your face and body structure as well as your lifestyle and the salon you visit should be able to give you the best advice regarding hair styles.

It is a very common practice for people to visit hair salons with photographs of celebrities in order to get the same hairstyles for themselves. This usually happens when certain hair styles become trends. For instance, there was a time when everyone wanted Farrah Fawcett's hair style. Jennifer Aniston's 'Rachel Cut' was extremely popular not too long ago.

The question you should ask yourself is whether you should blindly follow trends because the style can fall completely flat if your hair has the wrong texture or your face has features that are simply not suited to the style. Victoria Beckham or Emma Watson really rock pixie cuts but that is because they have small yet symmetrical features that are highlighted by the haircut. If your features are large then they will just look larger with this extremely short hairstyle.

The only way to get the best haircut Sunshine Coast salons offer is to select a hair stylist who can suggest a style that can suit your face very well. The stylist should append sufficient time with you in order to examine your hair and understand what your lifestyle is like. If you are a really busy person who has to balance the requirements of career and family then you need a low maintenance style that doesn't require too much time and effort every day. If you are approaching your forties and need a style that makes you look younger then you need to cut your hair to mid length, irrespective of what other women are doing with their hair.

Trends should only be used in order to get ideas for the hair style you ought to choose. A really talented hair stylist will be able to modify certain styles in order to give you something suitable. If you want a good haircut Sunshine Coast has many wonderful salons and you should spend some time to find the best one.

Get the best haircut Sunshine Coast hair salons can offer you by locating one where a hair stylist takes the trouble to understand your needs. Visit http://www.mylocalsalon.com.au/ in order to find a really good salon that can change your look for the better.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hairdresser Thebarton ?EUR" Trust Your Hairdresser?EUR(TM)s Instincts for the Best Hairstyle

Are you confused about which hair style to go with? Else, are you unwilling to let go or a style that you have clung to for many years? You really need to have the best style to suit your face and figure because this will hide a great many crimes of fashion. People tend to notice your hairstyle first and you can make a great impression on others with the right hair style. You should therefore identify the best hairdresser Thebarton has so that you can get the best hair styling advice.

It is very common for women to retain a hairstyle that has served them well for a long time. However, a really good hair stylist should be able to point out that the style is no longer working very well and that it is time to get it updated. The best example is that of long hair which looks wonderful on young women who have a head full of shiny and healthy hair. However, their hair begins to thin out as they age, thanks to which their once lustrous locks now look limp and dull.

If you have maintained long hair even if your hair has become limp then you are doing yourself a great disservice because this hairstyle adds years to your looks. It is time for you to switch to a shorter version of the hairstyle, preferably with a few layers added, since this is the quickest way to add volume to your hair. There is another advantage of having a medium length hairstyle and it is that it is very easy to style. You'll find it easy to get your hair ready every day if your hair is not too long.

You should also use the right products on your hair in order to give it gloss and volume. The best hairdresser Thebarton has is one who can also tell you which products to buy and how to use it correctly. You should also find out how to brush your hair correctly in order to give it the required volume.

Once you have found the best hairdresser Thebarton has then you should trust his or her advice with regards to the style and colour of your hair instead of forcing your opinions on that person. You will be really glad that you did this because your hair will truly become your crowning glory and become the centre of attention.
